DEXTech Pure

Solid Solution in Dioxin Analysis
DEXTech Pure is the standard solution for users in dioxin / PCB analysis. It is used successfully worldwide in food and feed analysis as well as in environmental analysis. Even highly contaminated samples can be processed without carry-over.
All DEXTech devices are easy to use in the laboratory: simply click in the columns, start the sample and you're done. No plugging together, no screwing or other complicated actions!
The DEXTech Pure automatically carries out the clean-up of a wide range of applications. The default methods comply with all common standards such as US-EPA 8280B, US-EPA 1613, US-EPA 1668c, EU comission regulation (EC) No 589/214, No 1881/2006, No 152/2009, No 2002/32, GOST 34449-2018, Aroclor and others.
More DEXTech systems, recommended columns and QS column certificates:
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- DEXTech Pure
The ideal system for daily work in the dioxin laboratory.
Simple, robust, low-maintenance.
DEXTech Pure
DEXTech Pure

The sample is loaded quantitatively into the system via this needle. The sample container is rinsed several times (quantitative transfer). During the rinsing processes, the needle is also cleaned inside and out to prevent contamination.
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The sample loop is used to focus the sample onto the silica column at the same time as the cleaning solution of the automated sample transfer. It is continuously flushed with fresh reagent and thus remains demonstrably contamination-free. By using a sample loop, the sample does not come into contact with either the syringe pump or the piston pump, allowing the system to be cleaned quickly.
This is how the system loads a sample:
The columns are clipped into the column tower in a few seconds. After pressing the start button, they are pressed together pressure-tight and the process is started. For your protection, the columns can only be pressed together when the door is closed. You can find the matching clean-up columns here.
Convince yourself of the easy handling in the following videos.
The syringe pump is used to load the sample onto the column. The sample does not come into contact with the pump, so that it always remains contamination-free.
All tubing connections are permanently installed and do not need to be conditioned or changed for each sample.
Via the touch display the user is guided through an intuitive operating program to start recommended and tested default methods for different approaches (e.g. dioxins and PCB or PCB only etc.) around methods stored in the system. Method development by the user is not required, yet programming of own methods remains possible.
Fractionation on All
DEXTech Systemen

3 Columns
2 Fractions
Fraction 1 (24 mL):
Mono-ortho-PCB + ndl-PCB + PBDE
Fraction 2 (10 mL):
Non-ortho-PCB + PCDD/F + PCNs
Total process time: 65 min
Total process time SMART: 45 min
Also available as DCM Free Method!

3 Columns
2 Fractions
Fraction 1 (24 mL):
Mono-ortho-PCB + ndl-PCB + Non-ortho-PCB
Fraction 2 (10 mL):
Total process time: 72 min
Total process time SMART: 52 min
Unique: All PCBs in one fraction!

2 Columns
1 Fraction
Fraction 1 (24 mL):
Fraction 2 (10 mL):
Total process time: 52 min
Total process time SMART: 32 min
Cost saving and DCM Free Method!

- PCB only (Mono-ortho-PCB, + ndl-PCB, + non-ortho-PCB)
- PCB 209 (All 209 PCBs)
2 Columns
1 Fraction
Fraction 1 (24 mL):
PCB only
+ ndl-PCB,+ non-ortho-PCB)
Total process time: 54 min
Total process time SMART: 34 min
Fraction 1 (24 mL):
PCB 209 (All 209 PCBs)
Total process time: 33 min
More DEXTech Systems and Recommended Columns

The automated system for 15 samples in one sequence. Fully automated also overnight!
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The heated system so that even hardening samples remain fluid from presentation to loading and are reliably processed without clogging.
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Silica columns and Alox columns made of glass or plastic. You have the choice!
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